Top from left to right: Wade, Mataya, and Anthony. Bottom from Nationals: Anthony, Adelynn, John, Mataya, and Wade.
All of us at Luohan Wushu Kung Fu Center want to wish the very best to our students who will be traveling to Emeishan, China next week to compete at the 7th World Kung Fu Championships!
Last August, Wade, Anthony, John, Adelynn, and Mataya made the U.S. Traditional Wushu team competing at Nationals in Lubbock, TX. Due to injury, Adelynn will not be traveling with the team, and John, though going, will be unable to compete. Wade will be competing in Tuokao quan and sanjiegun (3 section staff), Mataya will compete in Fanzi quan and jian (straight sword), and Anthony will compete in Baji quan and nandao (southern broadsword).
We hope they have an amazing trip and experience representing our school and the USA on the World stage! JIAYOU!